VoIP-Services Number Porting
- We require a signed letter addressed to your current service provider stating the following: “Please port the number/s listed below to Itech Administrators”. Then display the exact number/s you wish to port.
- If your number belongs to company or business please ensure that your request is completed on a company letterhead.
- Download the example of porting letter here
- A copy of your I.D
- A copy of your latest invoice to confirm numbers and account status.
- A completed Geographic Number Porting Request Form
How long does porting take ?
It takes 10 to 15 working days for a number to be ported
What does porting cost ?
The cost of porting is R150.00 per individual phone number ported.
Numbers you can not port
Presently the law and regulations does not allow you to port 086/087 numbers. Unfortunately it is also not possible to port a number associated with a manual exchange as multiple subscribers share the same access number